In my collection are newspapers from following African countries
1. Alžeeria - Al Chaab

2. Angola - Journal De Angola

3. Benin - Ehuzu

4. Botswana - The Botswana Guardian

5. Cote d'Ivoire - Fraternite Matin

6. Egiptus - Al Gomhuria

7. Gambia - The Gambia News Bulletin

8. Ghana - Ghanaian Times

9. Guinea - L'independant

10. Kamerun - Cameroon Tribune

11. Keenia - Taifa Leo

12. Kongo - Libertes

13. Kongo DV - Salongo Shaba

14. Lõuna Aafrika Vabariik - Cape Argus

15. Lesotho - The Mirror

16. Liberia - The New Liberian

17. Mali - L'essor

18. Maroko - Al Massae

19. Mauritius - Le Mauricien

20. Namibia - Namibian

21. Niger - Sahel Dimanche

22. Sambia - Zambia Daily Mail

23. Senegal - Sud

24. Seychellid - Seychelles Nation

25. Sudaan - Al Maydan

26. Zimbabwe - The Herald

27. Tansaania - Sunday News

28. Togo - La Nouvelle Marche

29. Tuneesia - Al Anwar

30. Uganda - The New Vision

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