Välismaal ilmunud eestikeelsed ajalehed minu kollektsioonis.
Here is estonian language newspapers issued abroad.
1. Austraalia
"Meie Kodu" - "Our Home"
2. Suurbritannia
"Eesti Hääl" - "The Voice Of Estonia"
"Võitleja" - "Warrior"
"Meie Elu" - "Our Life"
"Vaba Eestlane" - "Free Estonian"
4.Rootsi - Sweden
"Välis-Eesti" - "Estonia Abroad"
"Vaba Eesti" - "Free Estonia"
"Teataja" - "Messenger"
"Eesti Teataja" - "Estonian Messenger"
"Eesti Päevaleht" - "Estonian Daily"
"Vaba Eesti Sõna" - "Free Estonian Word"
"Uus Ilm" - "New World"
esmaspäev, detsember 08, 2008
pühapäev, märts 16, 2008
Ettenähtud ajalehed - Must be newspapers
Nõukogude ajal ilmusid igas liiduvabariigis kindlalt ettenähtud ajalehed. Muidugi kuulusid üleüldse kõik lehed kommunistlikule parteile. Üle vabariigilise levikuga olid rahvus- ja vene keelne Ministrite Nõukogu ja Ülemnõukogu ajaleht.
In western terminology theese were general interest newspapers. Of course every newspaper belonged to Communist party. General interest newspapers in national and in russian language from Counsil of Ministry and Supreme Counsil (parlament). For example from Turkmenistan
"Sovet Turkmenistanõ" in turkmenian and "Turkmenskaya Iskra" (Turkmenian Spark). Newspapers are dailies of course 6 times per week.
In some republic where is big national minority issued newspaper in this language, for example
"Czerwony Sztandar" (Red Banner) in polish from Lithuanis, of course daily
Next The Young Communist League known as "komsomol" has own newspapers. For example from Belorussia.
"Chyrvonaya zmena" ("Red Relay" or something)in belorussian and "Znamya Yunosti" ("The Banner of Youth") in russian, of course dailies, 5 times per week.
Next category are children age 10 to 14 in Soviet Union called pioneers.
For example newspapers from Estonia:
"Säde" (Spark) in estonian and "Iskra" (Spark) in russian, weeklies 1 or 2 times per week in different republics.
What is important in life? As propaganda?
First culture (writers, painters, artists, musicians)weekly newspaper from Moldova
"Literature shi Arta" (Literature and Art) in moldavian.
Second: education. For example Armenian Ministry of Education issued weekly newspaper "Sovetakan Dprots"
Third, sport, newspaper from Georgia "Lelo", weekly from one to three times per week in different republics.
Fourth, agriculture, for example newspaper from Ukraine "Silski Visti" (Village news)
weekly too.
And don't forget the diaspora outside Soviet Union. For example weekly newspaper for lithuanians live outside Soviet Union "Gimtasis kraštas"
In western terminology theese were general interest newspapers. Of course every newspaper belonged to Communist party. General interest newspapers in national and in russian language from Counsil of Ministry and Supreme Counsil (parlament). For example from Turkmenistan
"Sovet Turkmenistanõ" in turkmenian and "Turkmenskaya Iskra" (Turkmenian Spark). Newspapers are dailies of course 6 times per week.
In some republic where is big national minority issued newspaper in this language, for example
"Czerwony Sztandar" (Red Banner) in polish from Lithuanis, of course daily
Next The Young Communist League known as "komsomol" has own newspapers. For example from Belorussia.
"Chyrvonaya zmena" ("Red Relay" or something)in belorussian and "Znamya Yunosti" ("The Banner of Youth") in russian, of course dailies, 5 times per week.
Next category are children age 10 to 14 in Soviet Union called pioneers.
For example newspapers from Estonia:
"Säde" (Spark) in estonian and "Iskra" (Spark) in russian, weeklies 1 or 2 times per week in different republics.
What is important in life? As propaganda?
First culture (writers, painters, artists, musicians)weekly newspaper from Moldova
"Literature shi Arta" (Literature and Art) in moldavian.
Second: education. For example Armenian Ministry of Education issued weekly newspaper "Sovetakan Dprots"
Third, sport, newspaper from Georgia "Lelo", weekly from one to three times per week in different republics.
Fourth, agriculture, for example newspaper from Ukraine "Silski Visti" (Village news)
weekly too.
And don't forget the diaspora outside Soviet Union. For example weekly newspaper for lithuanians live outside Soviet Union "Gimtasis kraštas"
pühapäev, jaanuar 20, 2008
Keeled - Languages I
Alustame siis eelmises postituses toodud tabeli tutvustust. Loomulikult ajalehti kõikides keeltes, mis seal tabelis on, mul kogus pole. Aga alustame...
Let's start to introduce the newspapers from last post table. Of course I haven't all languages, but let's start..., all datas are for concrete newspaper heading in the picture
1. vene keelne - in russian "Полярная Звезда" - "Polar Star" Russia, Kamchatka region, Koryak National District, Penzhino District, village Kamenskoje, issued 2 times per week, printed numbers - 940
2. ukraina keeles - in ukrainian "Червона Долина" - "Red Valley" Ukraine, Ivano-Frankovsk region, Dolina district, city Dolina, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 18476.
3. valgevene keeles "Прамень Камунiзму" - The Spark of Communism". White-Russia, Vitebsk region, Gorodok district, city Gorodok, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 7479.
4. usbeki keeles - in uzbek "Бахористон Хакикати" - "Truth of Bahoriston" Uzbekistan, Qashqadaryo region, Bahoriston district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 3000.
5. kasahhi keeles - in kazakh "Тын Шугыласы" - ???. Kazakhstan, Turgai region, Amangeldõ district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 3672.
6. gruusia keeles - in georgian "გამარჯვება" - "Gamardžveba" City and district Gori, 3 times per week.
7. aserbaidžaani keeles - in azerbaijani "Улдуз" - "Ulduz"(Star), Azerbaijan, Šamhori district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 18900.
8. leedu keeles - in lithuanian. "Žvaidžde" - "Star", Lithuania, Svencionis district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 4764.
9. moldaavia keeles - in moldavian "Каля Луминоасе" - "Lightened Way" Moldova, Kantemir district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 7487.
10. läti keeles - in latvian "Padomju Daugava" - "Soviet Daugava" Jekabpils district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 14473.
11. kirgiisi keeles - in kyrgyz "Колхоз Эмгеги". Kyrgyzstan, Naryn region Ak-Talaa district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 4312
12. tadžiki keeles - in tajik "Навобод". Tajikistan, Guljab (now Khatlon) region, Dangara disterict, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 4510.
13. armeenia keeles - in armenian. "Artašat". Armenia, Artashat district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 8830.
14. turkmeeni keeles - in turkmenian. "Колхоз Ёлы" - "Collective Farm Way" Chardzhev region, Sakar district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 2574.
15. eesti keeles - in estonian. "Kolhoosnik" Estonia, Jõgeva district, 3 times per week.
Muidugi on ajaga paljud asjad muutunud. Kõik on saanud iseseisvateks riikideks ja seoses sellega on muutunud nii tähestikud, administratiivjaotused, kui ka ajalehtede nimed.
Many things are changed in time. All theese countries are independent. Changed are alpabets, municipalitets, names of the newspapers.
Let's start to introduce the newspapers from last post table. Of course I haven't all languages, but let's start..., all datas are for concrete newspaper heading in the picture
1. vene keelne - in russian "Полярная Звезда" - "Polar Star" Russia, Kamchatka region, Koryak National District, Penzhino District, village Kamenskoje, issued 2 times per week, printed numbers - 940
2. ukraina keeles - in ukrainian "Червона Долина" - "Red Valley" Ukraine, Ivano-Frankovsk region, Dolina district, city Dolina, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 18476.
3. valgevene keeles "Прамень Камунiзму" - The Spark of Communism". White-Russia, Vitebsk region, Gorodok district, city Gorodok, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 7479.
4. usbeki keeles - in uzbek "Бахористон Хакикати" - "Truth of Bahoriston" Uzbekistan, Qashqadaryo region, Bahoriston district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 3000.
5. kasahhi keeles - in kazakh "Тын Шугыласы" - ???. Kazakhstan, Turgai region, Amangeldõ district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 3672.
6. gruusia keeles - in georgian "გამარჯვება" - "Gamardžveba" City and district Gori, 3 times per week.
7. aserbaidžaani keeles - in azerbaijani "Улдуз" - "Ulduz"(Star), Azerbaijan, Šamhori district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 18900.
8. leedu keeles - in lithuanian. "Žvaidžde" - "Star", Lithuania, Svencionis district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 4764.
9. moldaavia keeles - in moldavian "Каля Луминоасе" - "Lightened Way" Moldova, Kantemir district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 7487.
10. läti keeles - in latvian "Padomju Daugava" - "Soviet Daugava" Jekabpils district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 14473.
11. kirgiisi keeles - in kyrgyz "Колхоз Эмгеги". Kyrgyzstan, Naryn region Ak-Talaa district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 4312
12. tadžiki keeles - in tajik "Навобод". Tajikistan, Guljab (now Khatlon) region, Dangara disterict, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 4510.
13. armeenia keeles - in armenian. "Artašat". Armenia, Artashat district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 8830.
14. turkmeeni keeles - in turkmenian. "Колхоз Ёлы" - "Collective Farm Way" Chardzhev region, Sakar district, 3 times per week, printed numbers - 2574.
15. eesti keeles - in estonian. "Kolhoosnik" Estonia, Jõgeva district, 3 times per week.
Muidugi on ajaga paljud asjad muutunud. Kõik on saanud iseseisvateks riikideks ja seoses sellega on muutunud nii tähestikud, administratiivjaotused, kui ka ajalehtede nimed.
Many things are changed in time. All theese countries are independent. Changed are alpabets, municipalitets, names of the newspapers.
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